Thursday Dec 08, 2022
Top 10 TikTok Food Trends in 2022 + Why Nestlé is Selling its Peanut Allergy Treatment Palforzia
Social media and video creation app TikTok has become the online home of food experimentation over the last few years, leading to TikTok food trends with record-breaking views and searches. In this episode of the Xtalks Food Podcast, Sydney talks about the top 10 most popular TikTok food trends this year. The list included cloud bread, baked oats, charcuterie boards, pasta chips and mug cake, among others. While other social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook are also home to recipe videos and food trends, TikTok appears to be shaping the food trends among the younger generations, Gen Z and millennials. While some may overlook the platform as just another social media app, TikTok has proven itself as a trendsetter for the food and beverage industry and beyond. The team talks about the degree to which TikTok should be used as a marketing tool by food and beverage companies and its ability to create and bring back past trends.
Also, in this episode, Sydney talks about why Nestlé put its Palforzia peanut allergy treatment up for sale only two years after acquiring the company that developed it. Palforzia, the first drug for peanut allergies in children to be approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), is aimed at consumers from the ages of four to 17 with a confirmed peanut allergy diagnosis. The drug may alleviate some of the symptoms associated with the allergy such as constriction of airways, hives and swelling. Despite its promise, Nestlé decided to sell Palforzia after slower than expected adoption by patients and healthcare professionals. Unfortunately for Nestlé, less than three percent of the US suffers from peanut allergies and roughly 75 percent of them are over age 17, so it’s a niche market. The team wonders whether Palforzia would have performed better if it had been purchased by another pharmaceutical company rather than a food conglomerate.
Read the full articles here:
Top 10 TikTok Food Trends of 2022
Nestlé to Sell Palforzia Peanut Allergy Treatment
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